Our project funding options are available for:
We can fund your purchase if you are buying land to bank it for a few years or need 1-2 years to prepare the planning permit and development approvals to commence.
Construction FundingOnce you have the planning and development approvals, we can convert the loan into construction funding. We can cover 100% of your development costs based on the pre-sales you have. We can also assist you in achieving the pre-sales needed to qualify for 100% construction funding.
Mezzanine FundingIf you are short of funds because you could not achieve the pre-sales target or the valuation does not stack up, we can fill the gap through Mezzanine funding for a short period of time. Once we drive the pre-sales up to the required level, we can refinance and secure 100% construction funding.
Residual Stock FundingResidual stock funding is a vital option for developers to enable equity release of unsold units within a new development project. This can involve short-term loans that help refinance the construction lender and provide the developer with more time to sell the new units or longer-term loans that assist the developer in holding the units for investment purposes.